Assemble with screw
Installation in lightweight concrete
When mounting smaller products on lightweight concrete, you can use plastic or nylon plugs, and screws. Special lightweight concrete plugs is used for heavier products and products that must withstand high loads. Since lightweight concrete is porous, you should use a metal drill and plugs that expands inside the wall. Pre-drill as deep as the length of the screw. Blow clean the drill-hole and fit the plug. Finally, screw the screw into the plug.
Mounting in concrete
Are you going to mount a product on concrete? Then there are a couple of things to keep in mind for the product to hang firmly in place. Use an expander bolt for heavier products and drill with an impact drill. Choose a drill with a hard steel tip and the same dimension as the plug. The drill-hole must be as deep as the length of the screw. Blow clean the drill-hole and then fit the plug. Finally, screw the screw into the plug.
For other products, use plastic or nylon plugs and screws.
Mounting in plasterboard
To mount smoothly on gypsum boards, you should use metal expander or nylon expander, which expands on the inside of the wall. It is important to keep in mind that gypsum is porous. Therefore, drill a hole in the same diameter as the expander and gently push the expander into the hole. Heavier products and products that must withstand high loads should not be mounted with an expander in plasterboard. For these products, use a wood screw and assemble the products where there is a rule behind the plasterboard.
Mounting in chipboard / wood fiber boards
For mounting on chipboard/fibreboard, you should use a wood screw or chipboard screw. It will be easier to screw by hand if you first make a small hole with an awl or a smaller drill. Use the screw that comes with the product.
Mounting in brick
Brick is almost as hard as concrete but can crack if you drill too close to the edge. For heavier products and products that must withstand high loads, it is a good idea to use an expander bolt. For other and lighter items, you can use plastic or nylon plugs and screws.
Choose the right plug or bolt
For mounting on bricks, it is best to drill with a percussion drill. Choose a drill with the same dimension as the plug. The drill-hole must be as deep as the length of the screw. Blow clean the drill-hole and then fit the plug. Finally, screw the screw into the plug.